Agribusiness Law

Agri-Food law

We are the trusted partner in the field of agri-food law. Our dedication is to ensure the legal security of your business by providing specialist advice in the judicial and out-of-court areas.

• Agrofood Legal Advice
• Food Safety and Regulations
• Agricultural contracts
• Trademark and Intellectual Property Protection

Agribusiness Law in detail…

The Firm assists companies in the agri-food and wine sector in adapting to the latest European regulations on labelling, packaging and disposal. Our professionals have gained important experience in the field of food protection, and accompany companies that intend to bring the products of our territory to the world.

The key to success in international agri-food law is the constant updating of producers and the correct application of relevant regulations. The study protects companies that intend to bring the products of our territory into the world.

In an ever-changing global landscape, it is crucial to ensure the correct contractualization for the export and import of agri-food products, as well as all aspects related to production, conservation and their transport.

Our advice in international agri-food trade is based on a solid knowledge of national and European Union laws on certification, food safety, made-in and labelling. We always keep up to date with our approach to regulatory developments and industry best practices, ensuring timely and cutting-edge support for our clients

  • Multidisciplinary Expertise: We combine legal, business and international expertise to offer a comprehensive service.
  • Legal Security: We guarantee a solid legal basis to protect the interests of our clients.
  • Personalized Assistance: Each contract is treated with personalized attention, reflecting the specific needs and objectives of the customer.